Nemo Betta Fish Care Guide and Tips

Last Updated on June 23, 2022

You know what they say: fish are friends, not food!

If you’re looking for a freshwater fish to call your own, make sure to check out this information about the Nemo betta. With its long fins and gorgeous colors, it will make any aquarium feel like home.

Nemo betta fish care sheet

Minimum Tank Size:5 Gallons
Diet:Carnivore, Protein-rich diet
Average Lifespan:3-5 years
Size:Approximately 1.5-3 inches
Disease:The common ones include popeye, fin rot, fin infection, and bacterial infection from leftover food
Decorations:Plants and toys
Tank Maintenance:Weekly partial water renewal with a water temperature of 72 to 82 Fahrenheit (22.2 – 27.8 Celcius)

What is a Nemo betta?

Fancy nemo betta or Siamese fighting fish.

Bettas are known not only for their colouration and temperament but also for their variety.

Originally from Southeast Asia (more famously in Thailand), betta fish are becoming a favorite among fish keepers because of how beautiful their colors are. One variety that especially stood out is the Koi Nemo Plakat betta.

Koi Nemo Plakat Betta

Bettas are a type of fish that come in many colors. The Koi Nemo Plakat has unique patterns on its body, making it stand out from other types. Considered as high quality, this betta fish boasts around 5 or more colors on one fish.

It also has fins with bright coloration to make this variety even more amazing!

Classes of Nemo Bettas

There has been a lot of confusion between the appearance of Nemo and Candy betta fish because of their close genetic colour pool. Since they both show similar coloration, here are some details to take note of and know why they are classified into three classes.

Marble Duo Color: The Classic Nemo

  • The classic Nemo betta are primarily two-colored
  • There are equal distribution and balance of the body and finnage color
  • Even though they have two colors, these colorations do not overpower each other

Marble Open: The Multicolor

  • A multicolored betta fish has several colors
  • Same as the Nemo betta, the colors are equally distributed
  • The color of this fish looks like a paint splash effect

The Candy Betta

  • Candy bettas also have more than two colors
  • Unequal coloration is possible, although a high contrast color is more favorable
  • No specific color pattern is noted; dark colors compliment the lighter color

Care guidelines for your betta fish

Some people might think that caring for a betta fish is easy. However, you actually need to do more than just feed them and keep the water clean.

Here are some care tips to follow to ensure your betta fish’s health and let them have their best life!

Aquarium size

Get a betta fish for your home and make sure you get the right tank size! The recommended minimum is at least 5 gallons, but 20-gallon tanks are best. The more space they can swim and explore around, the better!

Recommended 5-gallon tanks:

Be careful though not to get one that’s too deep because they tend to thrive in shallow waters so their labyrinth organ (which allows them to breathe on the surface of the water) can work properly.

Water parameters

Your new little aquarium fish will be happy as long as he is kept at a warmer temperature than what most people are comfortable living in (72-82 degrees Fahrenheit).

Make sure that there’s space near the top so that when his tank needs more oxygenated water, he can swim up without any problems!


If you want to keep your betta fish happy and healthy while also maintaining a clean aquarium, be sure to invest in the right filter for them.

You see, some types of filters will disrupt their natural swimming ability or cause other pains that can hinder their well-being. For these reasons it is important that you take time finding the perfect one so they are able to swim freely and find food more easily!


Betta fish should be fed a rich-protein diet. Their menu can be flake foods, pellets, frozen, or live foods.

Recommended pellets:

Remember to not overfeed them since this can lead to health problems such as constipation and bloating.


The nutrition they get and their environment are essential when it comes to their growth. Betta fish can be as small as 1.5-2 inches (3.8-5cm) but the average adult size is around 2-3 inches (5-7.6 cm).


You might be surprised to know that the betta splendens is a long-lived animal with its average lifespan being around 3-5 years. In fact, they can live up to ten years (according to some owners)!

However, how well you take care of your pet fish will also contribute substantially towards their longevity – this includes maintaining excellent water quality and providing them with healthy foods.


It’s clear that you care about your fish and want the best for them.

We hope that this article has helped answer any questions you may have had about betta fish, or at least given you a starting point in researching how to take care of one.

Have fun with your little friend- enjoy their company while they live in a safe home where they’ll be healthy all year long!