Samurai Betta Fish: Proper Care Guide

Last Updated on June 23, 2022

For centuries, the samurai have been known for their honor and bravery. It’s no surprise that this ancient breed of warriors is now being recognized as a fish to keep as pets in an aquarium!

These beautiful little betta fish are incredibly intelligent, but they can’t live without the care they need for. If you’re thinking about adding one to your tank, take some time reading this guide before picking out a new pet!

Samurai betta fish care sheet

Minimum Tank Size:5 Gallons
Diet:Carnivore, Protein-rich diet
Average Lifespan:3-5 years
Size:Approximately 2.5-3 inches
Disease:The common ones include popeye, fin rot, fin infection, and bacterial infection from leftover food
Decorations:Plants and toys
Tank Maintenance:Weekly partial water renewal with a water temperature of 72 to 82 Fahrenheit (22.2 – 27.8 Celcius)

Origin of samurai betta

samurai betta fish

The Siamese fighting fish or betta fish (betta splendens) are native to Southeast Asia where they live in shallow water like rice paddies, ditches, and slow-moving streams. The origin of the samurai betta on the other hand was accidentally discovered due to a mutation resulting from breeding decades ago in Thailand by Pichet Plaisanguan.

Pichet was also known for making the dragon betta breed famous years ago and gave a specific definition of color behind the name of samurai betta.

Why samurai?

The accident mutation turned into a masterpiece due to the samurai betta’s unique color patterns. Pitchet came up with the name samurai because he believes that the samurai betta is a fighter and a fighter wears a metal helmet.

The rest of a samurai’s body should be non-iridescent thus breeding a fish with a perfect samurai pattern is very rare and difficult to achieve.

Black samurai plakat betta

Many discussions about a samurai betta’s color arise among fish enthusiasts. Most of the time, a Siamese fighting fish with black bellies and a 40-70% scale over the rest of their bodies are already considered a samurai betta.

The name samurai betta fish, like so many other popular color names for Siamese fighting fish, is not officially defined and mentioned in any international standard. Nevertheless, samurai bettas come in a variety of color patterns. There are red, orange, and yellow fish, but the best-known variation and coloration is black.

There are many species of bettas that were bred by enthusiasts all over the world and one type of the betta splendens is the black samurai plakat betta. Recognized for its white or silver helmet-like color on its head, a samurai plakat betta is a one-of-a-kind fish because of its metallic black and white coloration that makes its color look high quality and unique!

The only thing that makes a plakat betta different from typical bettas is its shorter tail, which looks more like the wild type of this species instead of the variety of domesticated betta.

Care guidelines for your betta fish

Black samurai betta Siamese fighting fish with black background.

Betta splendens need the utmost care possible just like any other animals kept as pets. If you are a beginner in fishkeeping, there is nothing to worry about since taking care of a betta is fairly simple.

Here is some information you need to know in caring for your samurai plakat betta fish:


The average adult size for black samurai plakat betta is around 2-3 inches (5-7.6 cm). However, its size can start as small as 1.5-2 inches (3.8-5cm) upon purchasing it depending on how young you got it.


Did you know that your fish can live up to more than their average lifespan of three to five years? Your samurai plakat betta can live for more years than that if you keep them happy and give them the best environment!

Tank Size

There are many misconceptions when it comes to the needed living space for betta fish. Considering how small these fish are, people tend to place betta splendens on small tanks or containers.

Since their natural habitat is in shallow water, it is best to give your samurai plakat betta a lot of personal space to swim around. Many enthusiasts recommend at a least 5-gallon tank for starters but the bigger the better!

Related: How to Keep a Betta Fish Tank Clean: Step by Step Guide

Don’t forget to play with your betta splendens too! They are adventurous and love novelties, so give them room for exploration through plants and toys.

Water Parameters

Do not keep your betta fish in cold water temperature! A warmer temperature of around 72 to 82 Fahrenheit (22.2 – 27.8 Celcius) is enough to let them thrive in their environment.

When it comes to the water level, your betta splendens will need access to enough space to come up for air, so leave some room at the top of your aquarium!

Related: What’s The Best Water For Betta Fish?


Did you know that the type of water filter can affect the water flow and how clean your aquarium is? For example, a samurai plakat betta can be sensitive to water flow. It is important that you choose the right and gentle filter for them so they don’t become hindered in their natural ability to swim and find food.

Having a filter system will also keep up your tank’s condition for longer and make it easier on yourself when doing regular maintenance.


Betta fish can be fed a variety of food such as flake foods, pellets, tablets, frozen or live foods like brine shrimp, blood worms, and daphnia.

Avoid overfeeding at all costs since bettas are prone to constipation and bloating.

Related: Best Food for Betta Fish to Keep it Full and Well

Behavior and Sex

Sex plays a factor in the appearance and behavior of betta fish. Males are proven to be more aggressive than females, especially towards their own species.

If you want to keep a betta, just remember that they are very territorial and will attack other creatures in their territory especially if the male meets another male betta—in which case he’ll fight for dominance until one of them backs down.

A male betta will not usually seek to fight another fish that’s why if you find it too hard on your heart to watch two males fighting like this constantly, then feel free to get more females instead (or another non-aggressive fish that won’t nip your betta’s fins)!

Just remember that you’ll need to take into consideration if your pet will be happier alone or with other companions.

Where to buy samurai betta?

samurai betta fish front

So you want a samurai betta fish? You can find these beautiful creatures on Facebook, eBay, and other websites for enthusiasts. If you are hesitant to order online, you may also check your local pet store if they have this particular species for sale.

Final thoughts

Samurai betta fish is one of the most popular types of pet fish in the world because of their very cool colors and fins.

They’re quite easy to care for, but there are a few important things you should keep in mind before deciding to keep one. If you want your betta to have the best life possible, follow these guidelines to make sure that your pet can thrive in its new home!
